Don't wait another year to live a more fulfilling and satisfying life without sacrifice

Introducing... The Reinvention Code

This transformational program will change your life. If you're ready to learn more...

If you're ready to learn more, click the Schedule button. You'll find an available time on my calendar, receive a Zoom link in email, and I'll share more about how we can work together when we meet.

(Never any obligation or pressure, I promise!)

What people say about working with me

"Before, I was numbing my discontent with my life with Netflix binges, food, and some nights, too much wine. My life was filled with 'I should...' and it was suffocating. Working with Tina was a game changer. I've ditched the old me, found what lights me up, realigned my schedule with what's important, and tossed those draining 'shoulds' out the window."


"I kept telling myself that my health was important, yet Tina helped me realize that I wasn't actually making it a priority by making time for it. Scheduling basketball and walks with my wife has lowered my blood pressure and helped us connect during this scheduled time together."


"I am in such a better place right now. I learned how to love myself and my life again! This is life-changing!"


"I honestly feel that it has been the best investment I could have ever made in myself!"


"After working with Tina, I was laughing again and hopeful for my future. Now, I look forward to what my future has to offer!"


I'm Tina, and I'm an Identity & Midlife Architect/Coach

I am a certified, trained coach in midlife transitions. I have studied the process of identity formation, how our values and beliefs are formed, the psychology of midlife crisis and transition, how our environment and experiences shape our perception of ourselves – and how we can overcome all of this.

My certifications & training:

  • Certified Master Life Coach
  • 25 hours additional training in Midlife Awakening/Transitions coaching
  • 60 hour Somatic Attachment Therapy Certificate, The Embody Lab
  • Attachment & Neurodevelopment Certificate, The Biology of Trauma

And, my educational background:

  • Masters in Business Administration from Northwestern University's Kellogg Graduate School of Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Business, Eastern Illinois University

Hi, I'm Tina, and I'm an Identity & Midlife Architect/Coach.

Have you ever found yourself wondering, “Is this all there really is to life?”

Do you love your work? Do you love your life?

I know I wasn’t… back in 2020, I was really struggling.

I’d started a new job at the beginning of the pandemic, I was navigating some difficult family dynamics, and I was struggling with finding out a year earlier that my name and birthdate had been changed upon my adoption.

I was in an identity & midlife crisis – and I’ve learned they are inextricably connected. I was reconciling who I thought I was for the first 50 years of life with new information and a desire for something MORE.

When I left the new job, I dove into a quest of self-discovery, soul-searching, and growth, taking classes, reading books, and searching for answers… and I came through the other side with new tools and a new outlook on life, and a desire to help others do the same.

We are all conditioned by our experiences from childhood throughout life. For so many of us, we’re told to go to college, get a good job, get married, buy a house, have kids, getting a “bigger” job, buy a bigger house, work until we retire.

When we want something different, this can create upheaval and uncertainty, but this doesn’t have to define the life you live today. It’s okay to want something different, and I have developed a 12-step framework to help you figure out what you want and create a life that will light you up.

There are many events that can trigger this longing for more or something different, from becoming a parent to becoming an empty nester, to changing careers, to divorce, or the death of a loved one. Each of these events can be a time where you are called to reinvent yourself. A time for you to evolve into something more satisfying and fulfilling.

The most important part of my journey is the realization that I don't want others to go through the struggles and challenges alone or to struggle as long as I did. I want to help others in midlife or going through life transitions to avoid the trap of a crisis and instead experience a powerful transformation to who they choose to be. I want to share the knowledge and tools I have gained to accelerate others’ journeys toward an extraordinary life filled with purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

That’s why I started Identity Reinvention, to help mid-life professionals reinvent their lives, reignite their passion, and create a life of purpose and fulfillment! What I teach is based on the tools and techniques I learned during my coaching programs along with other concepts I picked up along my journey. It is what I wish I had when I started. It will accelerate your journey to living a life aligned with your true self and your passions, and provide support and accountability in a community of like-minded people to support you.

Do you want to rediscover your passion? Design a new more fulfilling and authentic life? Are you ready to create something extraordinary so that you are excited every day when you wake up?